我们可以在 http://ubaa.net/shared/processing/opencv/ 找到 OpenCV Processing and Java Library。

我提供的下载地址: http://yunpan.cn/Q9yQsLF8HjZSc (附带高清版视频操作演示)


This implementation is not a complete port of OpenCV. Currently, this library supports :

  • real-time capture
  • video file import
  • basic image treatment (brightness, contrast, threshold, …)
  • object detection (face, body, …)
  • blob detection

Future versions will include more advanced functions such as motion analysis, object and color tracking, multiple OpenCV object instances …

For more information about OpenCV visit the Open Source Computer Vision Library Intel webpage, the OpenCV Library Wiki, and the OpenCV Reference Manual (pdf).

由于是国外网站,有些朋友可能打不开,现提供我备份的下载地址: http://yunpan.cn/Q9yQsLF8HjZSc



Installation instructions

1.Begin by downloading and installing the implementation of OpenCV appropriate to your platform:

  • For Windows, download the OpenCV release version 1.0 (not the 1.1pre1) package and follow the instructions of the installer. notes: be sure to select the additional tasks ‘Add ….OpenCV bin to system PATH’ during installation (or you need to add the rigth path by yourself later) and reboot your machine.

  • For MacOS X, dowload the opencv-framework-1.1.dmg image and install the package by following instructions of the installer


  • For Linux users, if your distribution doesn’t propose packages in your favorite Package Manager tool, download the latest opencv-*.tar.gz archive and compile/install the source files as describe in the Linux install guide.

2.Download, unzip, and move the OpenCV Processing Library into your Processing libraries folder, or for Java users copy the content of the library folder in one of your Java Extensions folder.


在 Windows 中安装 OpenCV Processing Library
在 Mac 中安装 OpenCV Processing Library

3.Optionally, you can download these OpenCV Processing examples or, for pure Java users, these OpenCV Java samples.

4.Previous library version can be downloaded here





  • See the What’s New document for all new implementation or for some of the most important changes
  • Processing documentation … 🙂 start with this page (also include in the OpenCV Processing Library zip archive)
  • For Java users, the Javadoc reference for this project (online only). For offline documentation dowload the OpenCV Java Library API


The OpenCV Processing Library is a project of the Atelier hypermédia at the École Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence. It is maintained by Stéphane Cousot and Douglas Edric Stanley. Special thanks to the openframeworks community for support and the C++ Binary Quicksort method.


The main object for all computer vision processes.

An example(举例): the usage of the first one (OpenCV)

Name OpenCV
Description The main object for all computer vision processes.
Syntax OpenCV(parent);
BILATERAL Blur method
BLUR Blur method
BUFFER Type of Image
CASCADE_FRONTALFACE_ALT Standard Haar classifier cascade file used for object detection
CASCADE_FRONTALFACE_ALT2 Standard Haar classifier cascade file used for object detection
CASCADE_FRONTALFACE_ALT_TREE Standard Haar classifier cascade file used for object detection
CASCADE_FRONTALFACE_DEFAULT Standard Haar classifier cascade file used for object detection
CASCADE_FULLBODY Standard Haar classifier cascade file used for object detection
CASCADE_LOWERBODY Standard Haar classifier cascade file used for object detection
CASCADE_PROFILEFACE Standard Haar classifier cascade file used for object detection
CASCADE_UPPERBODY Standard Haar classifier cascade file used for object detection
FLIP_BOTH Flip mode
GAUSSIAN Blur method
GRAY Colorspace of image
HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING Haar classifier flag
HAAR_DO_ROUGH_SEARCH Haar classifier flag
HAAR_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT Haar classifier flag
HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE Haar classifier flag
INTER_AREA Interpolation method
INTER_CUBIC Interpolation method
INTER_LINEAR Interpolation method
INTER_NN Interpolation method
MAX_VERTICES The maximum number of contour points available to blob detection (by default)
MEDIAN Blur method
MEMORY Type of Image
MOVIE_FRAMES Movie info selector (not yet implemented)
MOVIE_MILLISECONDS Movie info selector (not yet implemented)
MOVIE_RATIO Movie info selector (not yet implemented)
RGB Colorspace of image
SOURCE Type of Image
THRESH_BINARY Thresholding method
THRESH_BINARY_INV Thresholding method
THRESH_OTSU Thresholding method
THRESH_TOZERO Thresholding method
THRESH_TOZERO_INV Thresholding method
THRESH_TRUNC Thresholding method
height OpenCV image/buffer height
width OpenCV image/buffer width
ROI() Set image region of interest to the given rectangle.
absDiff() Calculate the absolute difference between the image in memory and the current image.
allocate() Allocate required buffer with the given size.
blobs() Blob and contour detection.
blur() Smooth the image in one of several ways.
brightness() Adjust the image brightness with the specified value (in range of -128 to 128).
capture() Allocate and initialize resources for reading a video stream from a camera.
cascade() Load into memory the descriptor file for a trained cascade classifier.
contrast() Adjust the image contrast with the specified value (in range of -128 to 128).
convert() Convert the current image from one colorspace to another.
copy() Copy the image (or a part of it) into the current OpenCV buffer (or a part of it).
detect() Detect object(s) in the current image depending on the current cascade description.
flip() Flip the current image around vertical, horizontal or both axes.
image() Return the current (or specified) OpenCV image
interpolation() Set global interpolation method.
invert() Invert image.
jump() Jump to a specified movie frame.
loadImage() Load an image from the specified file.
movie() Allocate and initialize resources for reading a video file from the specified file name.
pixels() Retrieve cuurent (or specified) image data.
read() Grab a new frame from the input camera or a movie file.
remember() Place the image (original or current) in memory.
restore() Revert to the original image.
stop() Stop OpenCV process.
threshold() Apply fixed-level threshold to the current image.
Usage Application

9 条评论

  1. 你好 我使用3.0.1版本的processing添加这个库一直添加不进去。。在外部库菜单和示例文件夹中都找不到 直接运行示例提示:could not find stekch size的错误 软件的Errors窗口提示OPENCV does not exist是怎么回事呢。。

  2. 那两个文件的链接还是UBAA的吗?我始终连不上,可以帮我下载发到我游箱吗?实在是多谢了!!!。。。或发我QQ,我894316352.

    1. 对不起,昨晚回复留言之后断网了,今天添加了下载链接,你可以下载了。我再发一份到你邮箱。

  3. 这两个文件我没有,你的留言提醒了我,我忘了添加链接了。现在补充好了。谢谢提醒啊!

  4. 找了好久,配OPENCV1.0的LIBRARY 和EXAMPLES文件,两个压缩包能发我邮箱一份吗?(我实在连不上UBAA.NET-这个国外网站,可又找不到现你提供备份的下载地址),多谢!。。。!

    1. 这两个文件我没有,你的留言提醒了我,我忘了添加链接了。现在补充好了。谢谢提醒啊!

      1. 按照步骤把OpenCV加进去了,并且也下载了processing3.1.2里面的contributed libraries里面的OpenCV for Processing的这个库文件,在运行样例的时候是没有问题的。但是当我自己新建一个sketch, import这两个文件进去,再打代码的时候还是会报不存在= = 请问这个怎么解决?

        1. 我很久没有用这个了。我看了看版本,你试试安装最新版的Processing(目前是3.2),最新的opencv-processing(目前是0.5.2)和最新的OpenCV(最新是2.4.13)。

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