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游戏:Xbox one kinect体感游戏大盘点(可能是中文世界里最全的一篇)[转载]
原文来自:Xbox one kinect体感游戏大盘点(可能是中文世界里最全的一篇) – 简书 (
我目前收集到Xbox one kinect体感游戏有25个(每一作玩法都相似的系列只算一个游戏,如Just Dance和体感碰碰球),不得不说这个数量真是少的可怜,但是实测下来,one的kinect从识别准确率和速率上说确实好于360的Kinect。这里列出来为准备剁手的玩家做个参考。我也是苦于网上互缺少类似盘点,于是自己憋了一个,也是为笔者几天时间做出的努力做个总结。
Fruit Ninja2 水果忍者2
Just Dance系列
Just Dance 2018跳几支舞后送3个月会员,可以玩之前作品中的舞蹈,会员可享有历史上just Dance所有版本的中超过300支舞蹈。
Dance Central Spotlight 夺目焦点:全身动舞
最大的区别于Just Dance系列地方在于有分步拆分教学,教练带你跳。
电脑技术:Getting Started with Kinect and Processing[转载]
转载自:Getting Started with Kinect and Processing | Daniel Shiffman
Getting Started with Kinect and Processing
Kinect and Processing
The Microsoft Kinect sensor is a peripheral device (designed for XBox and windows PCs) that functions much like a webcam. However, in addition to providing an RGB image, it also provides a depth map. Meaning for every pixel seen by the sensor, the Kinect measures distance from the sensor. This makes a variety of computer vision problems like background removal, blob detection, and more easy and fun!
The Kinect sensor itself only measures color and depth. However, once that information is on your computer, lots more can be done like “skeleton” tracking (i.e. detecting a model of a person and tracking his/her movements). To do skeleton tracking you’ll need to use Thomas Lengling’s windows-only Kinect v2 processing libray. However, if you’re on a Mac and all you want is raw data from the Kinect, you are in luck! This library uses libfreenect and libfreenect2 open source drivers to access that data for Mac OS X (windows support coming soon).
电脑技术+游戏: kinect 2.0 传感器与 windows 电脑连接教程[转载]
今天在咸鱼上淘到的 Kinect 2.0 体感控制器到货了。
接下来就是学习如何将 Kinect 与电脑相连。
本文的连接方法转载自:Kinect v2 环境搭建以及调试步骤_想飞的小菜鸡-CSDN博客_kinect2.0。部分内容有修改。所有配图已替换为我自己拍摄与制作的图片。