Arduino Leonardo 可以充当USB设备和电脑进行数据通信。因此,凡是USB方面的数据流都可以用它去做。对应的有一些函数,最基本的就是用函数充当鼠标键盘来访问USB上位机。对应的USB控制芯片为32u4, 以及Arduino Due/Zero。下面附上函数库名字便于查询。
Mouse 鼠标
The mouse functions enable a Leonardo, Micro, or Due to control cursor movement on a connected computer. When updating the cursor position, it is always relative to the cursor’s previous location.
- Mouse.begin()
- Mouse.end()
- Mouse.move()
- Mouse.release()
- Mouse.isPressed()
Keyboard 键盘
The keyboard functions enable a Leonardo, Micro, or Due to send keystrokes to an attached computer.
Note: Not every possible ASCII character, particularly the non-printing ones, can be sent with the Keyboard library. The library supports the use of modifier keys. Modifier keys change the behavior of another key when pressed simultaneously. See here for additional information on supported keys and their use.
- Keyboard.begin()
- Keyboard.end()
- Keyboard.print()
- Keyboard.println()
- Keyboard.release()
- Keyboard.releaseAll()
- Keyboard.write()
Examples 例子
- KeyboardAndMouseControl: Demonstrates the Mouse and Keyboard commands in one program.
- KeyboardMessage: Sends a text string when a button is pressed.
- KeyboardLogout : Logs out the current user with key commands
- KeyboardSerial: Reads a byte from the serial port, and sends back a keystroke.
- KeyboardReprogram : opens a new window in the Arduino IDE and reprograms the board with a simple blink program
- ButtonMouseControl: Control cursor movement with 5 pushbuttons.
- JoystickMouseControl: Controls a computer’s cursor movement with a Joystick when a button is pressed.
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