1.WordPress Audio Player


更多使用方法:http://wpaudio.com/  http://wpaudioplayer.com/usage/




Dewplayer is a small flash mp3 player that is very easy to use. Download the player, put it on your website with the right HTML code and let the music play ! We build also customized players for professionnals,with XML playlist or Icecast streaming.

Instructions and HTML sample code

1 Download the all-in-one zip. 2 Upload the .swf player file you want to use on your website. 3 Copy-paste and configure the HTML code with the right MP3 filepath.

[cc lang=”html”]

<object type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” data=”dewplayer.swf” width=”200″ height=”20″ id=”dewplayer” name=”dewplayer”> <param name=”movie” value=”dewplayer.swf” /> <param name=”flashvars” value=”mp3=test.mp3″ /> <param name=”wmode” value=”transparent” /> </object>


[toggle Title=”查看图片界面”]




3. WP Audio Player Plugin for WordPress


WP Audio Player is a plugin that brings the Responsive and Touch-Friendly Audio Player from Codrops to WordPress.

It introduces a meta box to each post page that allows you to supply the URL to any audio file and will then append the player to the end of the post. This way, you’re able to upload your media using the built in Media Uploader, and then use the provided URL to add the player to your post.


Basic usage

The default mechanism for inserting a player in a post is to use the



This will insert a player and load your_mp3_file.mp3 into it.

Using the WordPress Media Library

This is by far the simplest way of using Audio Player. If you are using WP 2.5 or higher, you can use the Add Audio button:

Detail of WP Write screen showing the "Add audio" button

Detail of WP Write screen showing the “Add audio” button

After select a file from your computer and uploading it via the Media Library screen, select the Audio Player option for the Link URL:

Screenshot of WP Media Library showing the Audio Player button

Screenshot of WP Media Library showing the Audio Player button

click Insert into Post and the correct audio code will be inserted.


Setting a default location for your audio files

You can configure Audio Player with a default audio files location so you don’t have to specify the full URL everytime. You can set this location via the Settings panel (at the bottom of the General tab). Once set, you can use this syntax:



Audio Player will automatically look for the file in your default audio files location. This can be very handy if you decide to move all your audio files to a different location in the future.

About enclosures (This is important)

An enclosure is similar to an email attachment for a blog post. Enclosures are the basic mechanism for podcasting. When a post contains a link to an audio file, WordPress automatically sets up an enclosure for that post. This means that people who are subscribed to your blog feed will be presented with a link to the audio file (your feed is now effectively a podcast).

This is good if you are OK with people downloading the file. If you are not, then you really shouldn’t use Audio Player. For now, the only way to prevent this is to manually remove the enclosure everytime you publish or save the post. Open the Custom fields section of the post screen to see and remove enclosures.


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